
I am a fullstack webdeveloper, located in Miami, FL, with knowledge in languages like Javascript, PICK/BASIC, Dart and ABAP you can find my work on portafolio and check my experience studying on blog.


How to make an Api in React JS
Publication: 17 of April, 2021
Today we are going to check how to make and API request in a React Component and how to update the Component in the process.
First we start by creating you React App, you can name it whatever you want, one you create you React app your files should look like below, if you are wonderi... Read more My Impressions of ABAP
Publication: 20 of November, 2021
Hello everyone, long time not posting in here, lately I have been learning a lot of new stuff in my new job, like LDAP, ABAP, and many other stuff so I am very exited to learn all of these. In this post I will share my opinion of ABAP.
For the people that don't know ABAP is a fourth-ge... Read more SEE MY OTHER POSTS


Copyright Luis Gonzalez 2021