

An ecommerce website for a hardware supply company in Guatemala, made with HTML5, CSS3, JS and with Passport.JS for authetication.

See the website


I simple and minimalist website with HTML5, CSS3, for a graphic designer.

See the website

Hangman Game App

The famous hangman game app built in React JS.

See the website

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast using React and Open Weahter API.

See the website

Chat App

A chat app made with NodeJS in the background and websockets.

See the website

To-Do List

A to-do list made using EJS and Javascript.

See the website


A clock made with Javascript.

See the website

Password Generator

A password generator made in React JS.

See the website

Dictionary App

A mobile app with voice recognition and retrives the meaning of whatever word you just said in Flutter.

See the website

Color Change App

A change color app done in React JS.

See the website

Search Bar

A seach bar made with Javascript.

See the website

Budget App

A simple budget app done in JS.

See the website

Pomodoro App

A Pomorodo Technique App built in React to make you more productive.

See the website


A countdown clock made with Javascript.

See the website

Letter Counter

A letter counter made Javascript.

See the website

Copyright Luis Gonzalez 2021